DIF in memories. #Part1
Friday, 5 June 2015 • 11:04 • 0 comments Assalamualaikum w.b.t and Anyeonghasayooo~~~ Alhamdulillah, already finished my two-years-hectic-diploma-journey. 3 June 2013 till 4 June 2015. Mixed feelings of course. Sedih, gembira, sayu and full of curiousity. Will we be able to meet again? In shaa Allah. After all, we are going to apart, it's just a matter of time. We're just twenty and there's toooo long journey we got to through after this. And of course, another pertemuan and perpisahan. Again. What important is always appreciate every second of the moment. Because my muqaddimah is tooo long already, let's move to the climax lololol. *terus klimaks*
Picture 1: A part of our memories.
Thanks a lot for the bitter sweet memories up till now, you guys are the bessttt. Walaupun ada yang a bit annoying kahkah, the truth is, that
Jihaaaa :) The first Johorean friend from DIF that I ever meet. Thanks Jiha. Setia pergi balik, ulang alik daripada JB - Ganu dengan kita, pergi kelas dengan kita, nak pergi program ilmiah semua ajak kita, group assignment alwaysss dengan kita, thanks Jihaaa. You are such a good person and I'm glad to know you and be your friend. Till we meet again Jiha.
Next, Dayah Salihin, Anis, Dayah Pisol, Azreen, the one(s) that always teach me during learning process, and the one(s) yang sentiasa ada banyak persoalan di mindaa hee thankss a lott girlsss for helping me for this two years. And kawan-2 lain punnnn!
Then then then, Sitiii and Dinieee. Ni laa punca kebisingan Finance. Tak lengkap Finance takde kome-2. Hoho. Kaki kaki jalan and nasib baik mereka tak lupa ajak saya bhahaha. Korang laa 'geng' pertama yang dengan kita masa mula-2 masuk, including Jiha :) And Diniee laa orang pertama yang kita jumpa *masa i/view IPG* pastu pastuu jumpa lagi hehe. Agak-2 lepas nii jumpa lagi tak? Hoho.
Lagiii, emm, Wanii, Mairaa, Meyya, Ida, Ipah, Shidi, Tiqaaa, Amir, orang-2 yang akan setia whatsapp saya kalau ada apa-2 persoalan haha. Thankss korangg. Sorry kalau kadang-2 kita macam nak tak nak je layan hahaha bukannya apa, tak sempat nak mikir ayat. Tu jee hee. Sepatutnya, kita yang kena berterima kasih, what all of you questioning about make me understand more about what I'd learned. Thankss guys and le gurlss :)
Sitiii Zuuullll, the one yang omg macam krik krik gituu hahaha tapi sebenarnya caring sangat. Serius! I adore your 'keprihatinan' hee ILY Sitiii. And Hasmawaniiiii, thanks sebab sudi layan kerenah kita yang malas mengantuk takde mood bagai kalau kita datang bilik Wanii hehehe. Adibaaahhh, teman makan akuuu, teman 'korea' akuuu, teman 'gosip' akuu hahahaha.
Hanim, Tiqah, Muniraahh, Shilaa, Halimatun, Maizatul, awak-2 yang senyap dalam kelas but I believe that 'diam diam berisi' gituuwww hehehe. And p/s to Hanim, I adore your personality opss~~~ "Pelik tapi unik" kan? And Tiqah and Mun, nice to cooperate with both of you during short film ~~~ :D
Dilaa Ikaaa Datiinnn emm kaki selfie dalam diam hakhakhak. Nampak je senyap Ika dengan Dila ni tapi umph sekali borak umph umph sama jee macam kito-2 nii hahaha. Datiiiiinnnnnnn bila lagii nak dapat classmate retisss em emmm hahaha.
Angah, Asnur, Eman, Izati, Anis, Mek Linn heee ni punn nampak je macam diam sekali dah ber-koya, sekufu rupanya kikiki. And Shahiraaa and Sueee aka Doraemon and Transformers, terima kasihhhh sudi satu group dengan saya waktu MA heee. Doraemonnnn, lepas ni siapa nak panggil saya teletubbies lagiiii hoho :'(
For le guyssssss, aku tak tahu nak describe apa pasal engkorangg sebab takdelah rapat sangat kan ahahaha. Yang penting, korang pun super duper besstt sebab kegilaan yang tah papeee tuuuu di sebalik 'senyap' korang cehh.
Nak sambung lagi but I think this is more than long lewls. Once again, thanks for the bitter sweet memories for this two years. With various kind of people, thanks to all of you, I learned something.
Perbezaan yang melengkapkan,
Ketidaksamaan yang menyatukan :)
Whatever path that you choose after this, do it right. Everything is okay. Pursue your study is okay, seeking for a job is also okay. Anything is okay. Yang penting buat betul-2.
I'm sorry that I am never good enough.
I connect the dots and then out of that comes a story. And the dots that don't fit into the story just slide away, maybe. Like when you spot a constellation. You look up and you don't see all the stars. All the stars just look like the big fugging random mess that they are. But you want to see the shapes; you want to see stories, so you pick them out of the sky :)
TBC. Wassalam :)
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